Yesterday I started back to Maine. It was really hard saying goodbye to family over the last few days, especially Evan. Don't know when I'll see him again.
I didn't get very far, though, because I was delayed by an accident on the highway through the Columbia River Gorge, which is as beautiful as ever (sorry, no photos taken!). I was in standstill traffic for about 1 hr. When I finally was able to pass the site of the accident, the firemen were cleaning off the road and there was a burnt out hull of a truck next to the road. I found out later that the truck was carrying 42,000 apples and it caught fire! See for a picture of the truck and apples before they were totally gone, which is when I drove past.
Spent the night in Pendleton, OR and am now heading off to Idaho. It is probably going to be raining by the time I get there. Not real interested in spending the night in rain, so I might stay in a hotel. I hope the weather improves as I head across the country!
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